Abrasive Erosion and Corrosion of Hydraulic Machinery (Series on Hydraulic Machinery)

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Abrasive Erosion and Corrosion of Hydraulic Machinery (Series on Hydraulic Machinery)
  • Mã SP: AB0EB-43357
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 6410
  • • Publisher: World Scientific Pub Co Inc
    • ISBN: 1860943357
    • WAPI (Tower ID): 100146799
    • Release Date: March 1, 2003
    Abrasive Erosion and Corrosion of Hydraulic Machinery
    547 pages | Dec 12, 2008 |ISBN:1860943357 | PDF | 7.5 Mb
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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·         Publisher: World Scientific Pub Co Inc

·         ISBN: 1860943357

·         WAPI (Tower ID): 100146799

·         Release Date: March 1, 2003

Abrasive Erosion and Corrosion of Hydraulic Machinery
547 pages | Dec 12, 2008 |ISBN:1860943357 | PDF | 7.5 Mb

This book gives a systematic exposition of abrasive erosion and corrosion of hydraulic machinery in both theory and engineering practice, and is the first comprehensive volume to cover this area in depth. All the important subjects are discussed including fundamentals, calculation, analysis and numerical simulation of liquid–solid flow design, erosion-resistant materials, interaction between cavitation and abrasive erosion, and corrosion of hydraulic machinery. 

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