Air Source Heat Pump Controller (Screw Compressor Type)

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Air Source Heat Pump Controller (Screw Compressor Type)
  • Mã SP: BX1600
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 4659
  • - Screw Compressor Type(Stepless, Step Control of Capacity)
    - Proven Control Logic for Air Source Heat Pump
    - 2-Ch RS485 Support for Diverse Compositions
    - Reverse Phase and Phase Loss Detection
    - 2-Display Connection Support
    - Up to 99 Control Modules per Display
    - 4-Setp Access Control for Parameter Change
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
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  • Thành tiền

New Safe Air Source Heat Pump Controller for Screw Compressors 
BX1600 is a controller for wide applications to cooling and heating units developed
by Dotech's advanced heat pump control technologies. The state-of-the-art defrost control
logic linked with electronic expansion valves ensures the efficiency beyond expectation. 
Custom parameter configuration enables the best performance in the various environments by 
chaning the functions and features easily on site.

Proven Control Logic for Air Source Heat Pump 
2-Compressor Control 
Efficient Defrosting Detection 

Reverse Cycle Defrost 

Reverse Phase and Phase Loss Detection 
(380Vac 3-Phase, 4-Wire) 
Bilingual Displa
y (English and Korean) 
2-Display Support 

Up to 99 Control Modules per Display 

2-Ch RS485 Support for Diverse Compositions

International Standard Communication Protocol
4-Step Access Control for Parameter Change

1. Control Module: BX1600L
2. Display Module(Optional): CPAD-BX1600 with cable
3. Temperature Sensor for Service (Load) - Head Type(Optional): DPR-TH1-S6D50L*3m
4. Temperature Sensor(Evaporation, Suction, and Outdoor)(Optional): DPR-TH1-ET*2m
5. Discharged Gas Temperature Sensor(Optional): DPR-TH2-P6D100L*3m
6. Power Transformer(Optional): 24069001 (240Vac to 24Vac, 30VA)

■ Technical Specifications
Dimensions 240(W) x 110(H) x 60(D)mm
Power 24 Vac +/-15 %, 50/60Hz
Digital Input 16 Points, 12 Vdc 4 mA
Output 16 Points, 250 Vac / 5 A
Analog Input 12-Point NTC Temperature Sensor
4-Point 4~20 mA
Communication 2-Channel RS485 MODBUS RTU/ASCII Slave
Additional function  Reverse Phase(Phase Loss) Detection
Operation Environment Temperature -10~60 ℃(No Condensation)
Storing Environment Temperature -20~80 ℃(No Condensation)
Model CPAD-BX1600
Power 8 ~ 12 Vdc
Communication RS485 MODBUS Master (9600BPS)
Display LCD FSTN, 128X64 Dots, White LED Backlight 
Switch Electrostatic Touch Switch 8EA
Lamp LED 8EA
Dimensions 156(W) X 82(H), Depth within 20mm
Protection Class
(Front cover)
Operation Environment Temperature -10~60 ℃(No Condensation)
Storing Environment Temperature -20~80 ℃(No Condensation)


■ Accessories
Category Model Specifications
Power Trans 24069001 220Vac to 24Vac, 30VA
Discharge gas
DPR-TH02-P6D100L Type: NTC 10KΩ
Temperature range: -40 ~ 150℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃
DPR-TH01-S6D100L Type: NTC 5KΩ
Temperature range: -50 ~ 105℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃
Ambient Temperature
Suction Temperature
Evaporation Temperature
DPR-TH01-ET-3M Type: NTC 5KΩ
Temperature range: -50 ~ 105℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃

■ Dimensions

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