Máy Đo Độ Cứng Cao Su Shore

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Máy Đo Độ Cứng Cao Su Shore
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  • Lượt xem: 6966
  • Shore Instruments Analog Durometers are handheld hardness testers specifically designed for rubber and other elastomeric materials. The testers have a calibrated spring that generates a known force on the indenter. The durometer measures hardness by determining the depth of penetration of the indenter into the material under test. The hardness measurement displays on an analog scale.
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Máy Đo Độ Cứng Cao Su

Introduced in 1944, the Shore Round Style Durometer is the most widely used instrument throughout the world for evaluating the hardness of cellular, soft and hard rubber, and plastic material. It is small enough to be carried in the pocket and rugged enough to perform in the most hostile environment. The Round Durometer is designed to satisfy the industries needs for a basic, ASTM D2240-compliant unit with a scale graduated in increments of one durometer point. The analog durometer may be manually applied or, for better repeatability and accuracy, mounted on an applicable operating stand. Designed to meet a wide variety of applications, the Shore Analog Durometer is available in the following scales:

Scale Max Spring Force Indenter
A 821 g frustum cone
B 821 g sharp 30­° angle
C 4533 g frustum cone
D 4533 g sharp 30­° angle
DO 4533 g .0468 radius
E 821 g .0980 radius
O 821 g .0468 radius
OO 113 g .0468 radius
OOO-S 197 g .420 radius
M 78 g sharp 30­° angle
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