Phụ Kiện Máy Đo Độ Cứng Rockwell

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Phụ Kiện Máy Đo Độ Cứng Rockwell
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  • Test Blocks

    Rockwell test blocks are calibrated in accordance with ASTM E18 and ISO 6508, using NIST Rockwell HRC standard reference materials. All other Rockwell scales are traceable to Wilson® Hardness levels through laboratory standardizing test machines. All Wilson Hardness laboratory machines are directly verified according to application ASTM parameters using devices that are traceable to NIST either directly or through a NVLAP® approved laboratory. All blocks are supplied with a NVLAP Certificate of Accreditation.

    Indenters and Calibration Sets

    Wilson® Hardness also provides a full range of NVLAP certified diamond and ball indenters to accomodate each scale of Rockwell hardness testing. For ultimate accuracy and performance in tester verification, calibration sets are available in most scales. Precision calibrated and verified, calibration sets provide a high degree of uniformity through tighter tolerance components.
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Phụ Kiện Máy Đo Độ Cứng Rockwell

Calibration Sets (ASTM E18 / ISO 6508-3):

Scale Description   Catalog Number
 HRC C Scale Set; Master C Brale Diamond Indenter with: C63,C45 & C25 Rockwell Test Blocks  9100-498
 HRA A Scale Set; Master A Brale Diamond Indenter with: A83, A73 & A63 Rockwell Test Blocks  9100-489
HR15N 15N Scale Set; Master N Brale Diamond Indenter with: 15N72, 15N83, 15N91 Rockwell Blocks  9100-493
 HR30N 30N Scale Set; Master N Brale Diamond Indenter with: 30N80, 30N64 & 30N46 Rockwell Blocks  9100-490
 HR45N 45N Scale Set; Master N Brale Diamond Indenter with: 45N25, 45N49, 45N70 Rockwell Blocks  9100-494
 HRBW B Scale Calibration Set Master 1/16" Ball Penetrator with: B95, B70, B50 Rockwell Test Blocks  9100-491W
 HR15TW 15T Scale Calibration Set Master 1/16" Ball Indenter with: 15T 73.5, 15T T80, 15T 86.5 test blocks  9100-496W
 HR30TW 30T Scale Calibration Set Master 1/16" Ball Penetrator with: 30T70, 30T57 & 30T43 Rockwell  Blocks  9100-492W
 HR45TW 45T Scale Calibration Set Master 1/16" Ball Indenter with: 45T 12.5, 45T 33.5, 45T 53 test blocks  9100-495W
 HREW E Scale Calibration Set Master 1/8" Ball Indenter with: E62, E81, E93 Rockwell test blocks  9100-497W
 HRFW F Scale Calibration Set Master 1/16" Ball Indenter with: F63, F79, F97 Rockwell test blocks  9100-499W

Carbide Blocks (ASTM B294 / ISO 3738-2)

Catalog Number   Description  Nominal Hardness Range
900990185 A85 Rockwell Carbide Test Block

 84.00 - 86.00

900990187 A87 Rockwell Carbide Test Block

 86.01 - 88.50

900990189 A89 Rockwell Carbide Test Block

 88.51 - 90.49

900990191 A91 Rockwell Carbide Test Block

 90.50 - 91.50

900990192 A92 Rockwell Carbide Test Block

 91.51 - 92.50

900990193 A93 Rockwell Carbide Test Block

 92.51 - 93.50

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