Kiểm tra cáp quang TOM110P

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Kiểm tra cáp quang TOM110P
  • Mã SP: TOM110P
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
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  • Kiểm tra cáp quang TOM110P
    Providing simultaneous measurement at all three wavelengths on the fiber (1490nm, 1550nm, 1310nm)1000 measurements can be saved or transfered to PC with USB Self calibration function
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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Kiểm tra cáp quang TOM110P
TOM110p is a new pOn optical power meter which aims at the FTTx applications and maintenance. It can be used to test and
estimate the signals of the voice, data and video at the same time. It is an essential and ideal tool for the construction and maintenance of the PON projects.
  • 1310nm upstream measurement in burst mode
  • TOM110P PON power meter offers up to 10 different threshold
  • sets in total; Three status LEDs
  • PON SC standard connector, easy to test
  • Backlight LCD display supports night operation

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