Electroplating and paint manufacturing on steel. Anodized coating on aluminum (PERMASCOPE®)
Nano coatings (Antifingerprints), Solar cell coatings (CdTe/ glass), Gold coatings on contacts, tinlead alloy coatings on solder pads and traces, photo resist coatings, oil and wax coatings (BETASCOPE®).
Surface copper cladding thickness and copper plating thickness in through-holes (SIGMASCOPE®) on pc-boards.
Copper thickness on laminates and multilayers without any influence from the copper coating on the opposite side (SR-SCOPE®) in pc-board production
Thickness of solder resist on copper (PERMASCOPE®) in pc-board production
Graphite coatings on the surface of pistons or corrosion resistance coatings on brake discs (PERMASCOPE®) in automotive industry
Ferruginous coatings on the piston surfaces (NICKELSCOPE®) in automotive industry
Ferrite content in austenitic or duplex steel (PERMASCOPE®).
Electrical conductivity of non-magnetic metals like copper, aluminum, titanium (SIGMASCOPE®)