filter | BG9

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filter | BG9
  • Mã SP:
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 6298
  • - description: sinter filter centrifugal principle
    - medium: compressed air, neutral gases
    - supply pressure P1 min.: 1,5 bar
    - supply pressure P1 max.: 16 bar
    - temperature range: 0 - 60°C (other temperature ranges available on request)
    - bowl: metal bowl
    - drain: AM NO
    - mounting: vertical
    - filter element: 8 µm
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
  • Số lượng:
  • Thành tiền
- description: sinter filter centrifugal principle
- medium: compressed air, neutral gases
- supply pressure P1 min.: 1,5 bar
- supply pressure P1 max.: 16 bar
- temperature range: 0 - 60°C (other temperature ranges available on request)
- bowl: metal bowl
- drain: AM NO
- mounting: vertical
- filter element: 8 µm






price (pre-tax)


528.32 €

DF.98 M AM10

Filter G2 1/2 8µm with metal  bowl and automatic drain

DF.98 AM10 B


Filter G2 1/2 8µm with PC bowl, bowl guard and automatic drain

540.89 €

DF.98 HA3


Filter G2 1/2 60µm with PC bowl and semi  automatic drain

483.69 €

DF.98 M HA3


Filter G2 1/2 60µm with metal  bowl and semi  automatic drain

489.16 €

DF.98 HA3 B


Filter G2 1/2 60µm with PC bowl, bowl guard and semi  automatic drain

501.73 €

DF.98 AM10


Filter G2 1/2 60µm with PC bowl and automatic drain

522.85 €

DF.99 HA3


Filter G3 60µm with PC bowl and semi  automatic drain

483.69 €

DF.99 M HA3


Filter G3 60µm with metal  bowl and semi  automatic drain

489.16 €

DF.99 HA3 B


Filter G3 60µm with PC bowl, bowl guard and semi  automatic drain

501.73 €

DF.99 AM10


Filter G3 60µm with PC bowl and automatic drain

522.85 €

DF.99 M AM10


Filter G3 60µm with metal  bowl and automatic drain

528.32 €

DF.99 AM10 B


Filter G3 60µm with PC bowl, bowl guard and automatic drain

540.89 €

Link Exchange: Duong Ren - Kinh Hien Vi - Panme - Ban Map - Thuoc Cap-