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  • The MC Box fuel management panel has the capability to control and manage the consumption of fuel for the private and commercial user sector.
    Its intelligent design allows the unit to be easily connected or added to both new and existing pumps providing low cost, simple, easy to use fuel management .
    The Mc Box is the perfect solution as an “Add on” unit for existing pumps or where it is preferable to have the pumps and control panel installed in two different places.
    The MC system consists of a dedicated multi-user panel with the option to connect to a PC.
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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The control panel has the ability to:
Switch a pump on/off
Recognize authorised users by means of i-button key or pin code
Preset a quantity to dispense
Manage a pulse meter to measure quantity dispensed
Manage an external level switch to control pump operation on low level
Operate an external nozzle switch
Connect to a PC for exporting data files
Connect to an external printer

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