Gas Explosion Handbook Gexcon

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Gas Explosion Handbook Gexcon
  • Mã SP: AHOEB-
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
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  • Lượt xem: 8665
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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This handbook has been written as a part of Christian Michelsen Research's (CMR) research programme "Gas Safety Programme 1990-1992" (GSP90-92). The participants of the programme are: BP Norway Limited U.A., BundesministeriumfürForschung und Technologie, Conoco Norway Inc., Elf Petroleum Norge A/S, Esso Norge A/S, Gaz de France, Health and Safety Executive, Mobil Exploration Norway Inc., Norsk Hydro, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, N.V. NederlandseGasunie, Phillips Petroleum Company Norway and Statoil.

The purpose of this handbook is to give a brief introduction to gas explosion safety, based on our current knowledge of the subject and on our experience in applying this knowledge to practical problems in the industry. Because of the intended brevity and simplicity of the handbook the information provided may in some cases be strongly simplified and/or incomplete. For in-depth information on the various subjects the reader is referred to the literature described in the References .

The user of this handbook is intended to be a process- , design- or structural engineer, but the handbook should also be useful for safety engineers.

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