Air Hammers 121

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Air Hammers 121
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  • Lượt xem: 3920
  • Super Duty
    Air Hammer
    Make fast work of body panel crimping and cutting, bushing driving, shearing and general front end work with this air hammer, a super duty tool that produces up to 3000 blows per minute
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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Super Duty 
Air Hammer

Make fast work of body panel crimping and cutting, bushing driving, shearing and general front end work with this air hammer, a super duty tool that produces up to 3000 blows per minute. 

Air Hammer Kit 

Combine the 121-Q Air Hammer into the convenience of a kit. Kit includes 121 Air Hammer, blow-molded black carrying case, and (6) six assorted chisels. Assorted chisels include (1) 3/4" flat blade chisel, (1) punch chisel, (1) claw ripper-edging tool, (1) single blade cutter, (1) kwik cutter, (1) vee chisel-spot welder breaker.

  • Up to 3,000 blows per minute
  • Alloyed steel barrel and heat-treated piston for longer life
  • Built-in power regulator and trigger control


Link Exchange: Duong Ren - Kinh Hien Vi - Panme - Ban Map - Thuoc Cap-