MOD-Model 9100D Portable Shaker Vibration Calibrator

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MOD-Model 9100D Portable Shaker Vibration Calibrator
  • Mã SP: MOD-MODEL 9100D
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 4152
  • Ideal for checking accelerometers, velocity transducers and proximity probes over a wide frequency and amplitude operating range, the 9100D Portable Shaker Vibration Calibrator is rugged throughout, with simple and elegant usability and robust internal components. In contrast to more elaborate laboratory style systems, the 9100D is a portable vibration shaker and calibrator, making it perfect for testing in the field or at a customer's site.

    The unit is small and completely self-contained, providing a known vibration reference source from 7 Hz (420 CPM) up to 10 kHz (600k CPM), at amplitudes up to 20 g (196m/s2), shaker stroke and sensor mass dependent. Packaged in a lightweight, durable Pelican® Storm Case with two press and pull latches and padlockable caps, the 9100D is always ready for travel to test sites.
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
  • Số lượng:
  • Thành tiền
  • Best in class rugged portability
    • Sturdy internal shaker element design with carbon fiber composite armature flexures
    • Legendary protection and quality of Pelican®Cases
      • Watertight, crushproof
      • Two press and pull latches
  • Simple and elegant usability from the plant floor to metrology labs
    • Adjust frequency ranges and amplitude settings with just two dials
    • English or metric units on LCD screen
    • Lightweight at 18 lbs (8.2 kg) allowing for easy mobility
    • Battery life up to 18 hours
  • Precision control and stability
    • Integral ICP quartz reference accelerometer
    • State of the art digital electronics
  • Ideal for in-situ validation of your entire measurement channel
    • Ensure end-to-end functionality
    • Confirm alarm trip points are set properly
  • Guarantees accuracy and reliability of test with integrated reference accelerometer traceable to NIST
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