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Part Code Product Description Image
HS-AA002-1 90º bracket with BNC bulkhead socket & dustcap fitted to cabled accelerometers up to Ø5mm
HS-AA002-2 90º bracket with BNC bulkhead socket & dustcap fitted to cabled accelerometers up to Ø6.1mm
HS-AA004 2 Way MS socket cable connector
HS-AA005 3 Way MS socket cable connector
HS-AA009 In-line connector adaptor, 2 Pin MS plug - BNC plug HS-AA009 Inline Connector Adapter
HS-AA010 BNC bulkhead socket fitted to cabled accelerometer HS-AA010
HS-AA011 3 Pin 62GB socket cable connector HS-AA011
HS-AA013 TNC plug to BNC jack adaptor HS-AA013
HS-AA014-1 BNC plug fitted to cables up to Ø5mm HS-AA014
HS-AA014-2 BNC plug fitted to cables up to Ø6.1mm HS-AA014
HS-AA015-1 BNC socket fitted to cables up to Ø5mm HS-AA015
HS-AA015-2 BNC socket fitted to cables up to Ø6.1mm HS-AA015
HS-AA016 2 Way MS 90º socket cable connector
HS-AA016-S 2 Way MS 90º socket cable connector with strain relief
HS-AA018 In-line connector adaptor, 2 Pin MS plug - BNC socket HS-AA018 Inline Connector Adapter
HS-AA020 Microdot bulkhead socket solder connector HS-AA020
HS-AA025 Lemo 7 Pin IP67 straight connector HS-AA025
HS-AA026 2 Way MS plug cable connector HS-AA026
HS-AA030 BNC bulkhead socket to socket adaptor HS-AA030
HS-AA038 2 x 90º bracket with BNC bulkhead socket & dustcap fitted to cabled accelerometers, 1 BNC marked for vibration, 1 BNC marked for temperature, up to Ø5mm Will follow shortly...
HS-AA040-NSC 2 x BNC plugs fitted to cabled accelerometer, 1 BNC markerd for vibration, 1 BNC marked for temperature, accelerometer screen not connected to BNC cases, up to Ø5mm Will follow shortly...
HS-AA040-SC 2 x BNC plugs fitted to cabled accelerometer, 1 BNC markerd for vibration, 1 BNC marked for temperature, accelerometer screen connected to BNC cases, up to Ø5mm Will follow shortly...
Link Exchange: Duong Ren - Kinh Hien Vi - Panme - Ban Map - Thuoc Cap-