Extech EA20 EasyView Hygro-Thermometer

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Extech EA20 EasyView Hygro-Thermometer
  • Mã SP: EXTECH EA20
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 4252
  • Datalogging Relative Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point and Wet Bulb Meter

    Compact and rugged design features large LCD display
    Display any two parameters simultaneously
    Min/Max function stores and recalls highest and lowest readings
    Timer function displays the elapsed time (mins:secs and day:hour) to the minimum and maximum readings
    Programmable power off timer
    Remote capacitance sensor with 39" (1m) coiled cable
    Switchable C/F Temperature units
    Data hold function freezes reading on display
    Auto power off to save battery life
    Low battery and overrange indication
    Complete with built-in stand, protective holster, probe and 6 AAA batteries


    Monitor Relative Humidity and Temperature in factories, clean rooms, offices, and greenhouses
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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Specifications (Range, Resolution, Basic Accuracy):

  • Humidity: 10% to 95%, 0.1%, (+/-3% for 30-95%)(+/-5% for 10-30%)
  • Temperature: -4 to 140 øF (-20 to 60 øC), 0.1ø, +/-0.9 øF(0.5 øC)
  • Dimensions: 5.9x2.8x1.4" (150x72x35mm)
  • Weight: 8.3oz (235g)
Link Exchange: Duong Ren - Kinh Hien Vi - Panme - Ban Map - Thuoc Cap-