Temperature Controller for Floor Cooling

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Temperature Controller for Floor Cooling
  • Mã SP: TX3C
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 4760
  • - Compact Size and Easy to Install
    - Economical and Reasonable
    - Precise and Safe Control with Dual Sensors in the Wide Range
    - Easy Control and Timer
    - RS485 Communication(MODBUS)
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
  • Số lượng:
  • Thành tiền
Compact Size and Easy to Install
It is very small and easy to install. 

Economical and Reasonable
You can have an inexpensive digital controller of high quality with simple design and easy control.

Precise and Safe Control with Dual Sensors in the Wide Range
Wtih dual sensors, TX3C can measure the temperature precisely(±0.3℃)
in the wide range(-40~120℃) and control 2-point temperatures simutatenously.
Overheat detection protects the system by cutting off the output. 
One of the dual sensors backups for normal operation when sensor error
and the large capacity of relay output is deployed for safety.

Easy Control and Timer
The simple and convenient menus make it easy to control and prevent the wrong operation.
Unlike the typical controllers, it is very easy to set the timers. 

RS485 Communication(MODBUS)
It is versatile. Communication via RS485(MODBUS) provides many options to the users
(remote control, remote display, data manipulation, and etc.).

■ Technical Specifications

Dimensions 70(W) X 120(H) X 43(D)mm
Power AC90 - 250V ~, 50/60Hz, 4VA
Connection Screw Terminal
Input/Output Temperature
Sensor Input
Relay Output 1P(277Vac/20A)
Sensor Temperature DOTECH Standard NTC sensor DPR-TH05-T1(optional)
Type: 5㏀ at 25℃
Range: -40~120℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃

DOTECH Standard NTC sensor DPR-TH05-T20(optional)
Type: 5㏀ at 25℃
Range: -40~120℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃
RS485 Communication
- OK
Operation Temperature -10~50℃  / Humidity under 90% RH
Storage Temperature -20~60℃  / Humidity under 90% RH

■ Accessories

Category Model Specifications
Dry DPR-TH05-T1 Type: 5㏀ at 25℃
Range: -40-120℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃
Wet DPR-TH05-T20 Type: 5㏀ at 25℃
Range: -40-120℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃


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