A3716 - Online condition monitoring

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A3716 - Online condition monitoring
  • Mã SP: A3716
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 6145
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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The A3716 is powerful online monitoring and diagnostics system designed to increase the reliability of strategic rotating machinery. The A3716 system can operate as an independent monitoring system or it can be used as extension of an existing protection system. The A3716 system can be also used as the multipurpose 16-channel analyzer. Each A3716 module contains 16 AC, 16 DC and 4 TACHO inputs. All channels are measured simultaneously. The measurement parameters and data processing are the same as with top-class A4400 - VA4 Pro instrument. Single A3716 modules can be easily composed together and by this we can create widely-channels system.
The A3750 software is designed for control of collection and archiving of data. By setting program it is possible to easily configure required measurements. Software A3760 enables on-line displaying of the current values on the predefined schemes. The DDS 2011 software system is designed for the following processing and archiving of the all collected data. 
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