Kiểm tra cáp quang TOM402

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Kiểm tra cáp quang TOM402
  • Mã SP: TOM402
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
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  • Lượt xem: 5957
  • Kiểm tra cáp quang TOM402
    Portable, rugged, lightweight, easy to use
    Up to 8 fiber faults can be detected
    in each measurement
    Automatic Pulse Width Control to ensure
    a convenient operation
    Long battery life (up to 5000 measurements)
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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Kiểm tra cáp quang TOM402
TOM402 Optical Fiber Ranger is the most portable test instrument in the industry. It adopts the OTDR technical principles and integrates the powerful analysis software, which enables the TOM402 fiber ranger to detect fiber fault location easily and more accurate.
Built-in visual fault locator (VFL)
Traces faults in deadzone
Testing the cable distance and identifying the faults location in the fiber link.
Locates reflective and non-reflective breaks in the fiber network.
Inspection of fiber, repair and maintenance.
TOM402 Fiber Ranger is ideal to be used in FTTx network installation and

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