Refrigerator & Chiller Controller

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 Refrigerator & Chiller Controller
  • Mã SP: FX32C
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 4845
  • - Overall Control and Monitor(Protection) of Refrigerator
    - Start, Restart, Pump Down, Alarm Delay Timer, Discharge Gas Detection(High & Low Temperature)
    - Individual Alarm Message(OC, HP, LP, OP, INT, and Etc.)
    - Liquid Injection (Discharge Gas Detection)
    - RS485 Communication(MODBUS)
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
  • Số lượng:
  • Thành tiền

Overall Control and Monitor(Protection) of Refrigerator
Start, Restart, Pump Down, Alarm Delay Timer, Discharge Gas Detection(High & Low Temperature)
Individual Alarm Message(OC, HP, LP, OP, INT, and Etc.)
Liquid Injection (Discharge Gas Detection)
RS485 Communication(MODBUS)

■ Technical Specifications

FX32C-00-00 FX32C-30-00 FX32C-40-00 FX32C-40-R4
Dimensions 78(W) X 35(H) X 78(D)mm
※ Panel Cut-Out Form 71(W) X 29(H)mm
Power AC100-240V~, 50/60Hz, 8VA
Connection Connector(Molex)
Digital Input 7P
Sensor Input
Relay Output 4P(250VAC/10A)
Sensor Temperature DOTECH Standard NTC sensor DPR-TH01-ET(optional)
Type: 5㏀ at 25℃
Range: -50-105℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃
Discharge Gas
- DOTECH Standard NTC sensor DPR-TH02(optional)
Type: 10㏀ at 25℃
Range: -40-150℃
Accuracy: ±1.5℃ at 25℃
Discharge Gas Detection
& Liquid Injection
Temeperature Control
(for Chiller and CDU)
- - OK OK
RS485 Communication
- - - OK
Operation Temperature -10~50℃  / Humidity under 90% RH
Storage Temperature -20~60℃  / Humidity under 90% RH

■ Accessories
Category Model Specifications
Connection Kit FXC-12P-20 2.0m
FCX-14P-20 2.0m
Sensor Temperature DPR-TH01-ET Type: 5㏀ at 25℃
Range: -50~105℃
Accuracy: ±0.3℃ at 25℃
Discharge Gas Temperature DPR-TH02-P6D50L Type: 10㏀ at 25℃
Range: -40~150℃
Accuracy: ±1.5℃ at 25℃

■ Diagram
■ Dimensions

Dotech Viet Nam
Link Exchange: Duong Ren - Kinh Hien Vi - Panme - Ban Map - Thuoc Cap-