Máy So Màu SpectroEye

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Máy So Màu SpectroEye
  • Mã SP: CR0XR-SE
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
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  • Lượt xem: 4331
  • Máy So Màu SpectroEye
    SpectroEye combines the ultimate in measurement accuracy with exceptional ergonomics and user-friendliness. This handheld, portable spectrophotometer offers all the colorimetric functions needed to accurately measure and control special colors, along with all the densitometric functions needed to quickly and easily monitor and control color on-press.
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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Máy So Màu SpectroEye
Simple. Quick. Reliable.

SpectroEye combines the ultimate in measurement accuracy with exceptional ergonomics and user-friendliness. This handheld, portable spectrophotometer offers all the colorimetric functions needed to accurately measure and control special colors, along with all the densitometric functions needed to quickly and easily monitor and control color on-press.

Delivering Highest Measurement Accuracy
With the internal high spectral resolution of 3.3nm, SpectroEye detects even the smallest color deviations. SpectroEye is equipped with a ring illumination, so that the positioning direction of the spectrophotometer is not critical. This is very crucial in measuring on uncoated substrates. To ensure optimum measurement accuracy at all times, a white reference tile is integrated, allowing automatic calibration without user intervention.
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