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  • Lượt xem: 17990
  • Features

    Analysis instrument that measures from bottom to top, Very flexible in its use
    Fully enclosed measurement chamber allows also for large apertures and thus for high count rates
    Measuring direction from bottom to top, this allows for quick and easy sample positioning
    Highest excitation flexibility, for both the size of the measurement spot and the spectral composition
    With the silicon drift detector, even very high intensities
    > 100 kcps can be processed without a loss in energy resolution
    Ideal for the analysis of gold alloys and for trace analysis of harmful substances in plastics
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
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  • Analysis instrument that measures from bottom to top, Very flexible in its use
  • Fully enclosed measurement chamber allows also for large apertures and thus for high count rates
  • Measuring direction from bottom to top, this allows for quick and easy sample positioning
  • Highest excitation flexibility, for both the size of the measurement spot and the spectral composition
  • With the silicon drift detector, even very high intensities
    > 100 kcps can be processed without a loss in energy resolution
  • Ideal for the analysis of gold alloys and for trace analysis of harmful substances in plastics

Typical fields of application

  • Gold and precious metal analysis in the jewellery and watch industries
  • Measurement of thin coatings of only a few nanometres, such as Au and Pd on printed circuit boards and electronics components
  • Trace analysis, e. g. harmful substances in electronic components (RoHS) or tools
  • Analysis of light elements such as Al, Si, P with the XAN 150
  • General materials analysis and coating thickness measurement in laboratories, testing institutions and universities

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