Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment 2000

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Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment 2000
  • Mã SP: AHOEB-71262
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 6247
  • • Hardcover: 535 pages
    • Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1 edition (June 29, 2000)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0750671262
    • ISBN-13: 978-0750671262
    • Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 7.3 x 1.4 inches
    • Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
  • Số lượng:
  • Thành tiền
  • Hardcover: 535 pages
  • Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1 edition (June 29, 2000)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0750671262
  • ISBN-13: 978-0750671262
  • Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 7.3 x 1.4 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

The Handbook of Chemical Process Equipment is a major reference on process equipment. It provides practical understanding and description of the working principles, intended applications, selection criteria and fundamental design principles for equipment used throughout the process and allied chemical industries.

It is an important reference for engineers, and in particular chemical engineers who will use such a volume throughout their studies and careers. Each major unit operation and equipment associated with the operation is described in sufficient detail for the reader to obtain practical knowledge of the equipment's limitations and typical applications. The book contains sufficient working examples and references for the user to refer to more in-depth treatment of individual subject areas.

A practical reference for chemical process equipment
Can be used throughout the process and allied chemical industries
Unit operations and equipment described in detail

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