Engineering Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook 3Rd Edition

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Engineering Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook 3Rd Edition
  • Mã SP: AHOEB-19862
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 11367
  • Author(s): Myer Kutz (Editor)
    Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition
    Date : 2005
    Pages : 928
    Format : PDF
    OCR : Yes
    Quality :
    Language : English
    ISBN-10 : 0471719862
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
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  • Thành tiền
Author(s): Myer Kutz (Editor)
Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition
Date : 2005
Pages : 928
Format :
OCR : Yes
Quality :
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0471719862

The updated Revision of the Bestseller - In a more Useful Format!
Mechanical Engineers' Handbook has a long tradition as a single resource of valuable information related to specialty areas in the diverse industries and job functions in which mechanical engineers work. This Third Edition, the most aggressive revision to date, goes beyond the straight data, formulas, and calculations provided in other handbooks and focuses on authoritative discussions, real-world examples, and insightful analyses while covering more topics that in previous editions.

Book 2: Instrumentation, Systems, Controls, and MEMS is comprised of two major parts, conveniently put together because feedback control systems require measurement transducers. The first part covers instrumentation, including transducer design, strain gages, flow meters, digital integrated circuits, and issues involved in processing transducer signals and acquiring and displaying data.
The second part addresses systems and control, including:

- Control system design, analysis, and performance modification
- Design of servoactuators, controllers, and general-purpose control devices
- "New departures" in mechanical engineering, including neural networks, mechatronics, and MEMS

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