SDT AVM Ultranalysis Software Analysis Kit

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 SDT AVM Ultranalysis Software Analysis Kit
  • Mã SP: SDT AVM
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
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  • Lượt xem: 4908
  • Digital recorder allows inspectors to listen to and record wave files from any ultrasonic inspection tool

    USB-PC Link Cable with AVM Ultranalysis time and spectrum software
    Designed for use with any of the SDT Ultrawave 120, 150 or 170 detectors
    Other detectors may be used, however the heterodyned signal output can vary with different manufactures

  • Tags: Bàn Map
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Ultrasound inspection is one of the most important components of any predictive maintenance and reliability program. The demand for ultrasound technology is on the rise. Driving this demand is a need for inspectors to expand their inspections from basic condition monitoring to detailed diagnostics.

SDT's Ultranalysis kit allows inspectors to listen to and record wave files from any ultrasonic inspection tool. Files are uploaded directly to PC via USB connection. Visualize ultrasound in the time and spectrum domain using SDT's AVM Ultranalysis software (included).

The AVM Ultranalysis kit is designed for use with any of the SDT Ultrawave detectors in the product family including: SDT 170M, SDT 170M Plus, SDT 170MD Data Collector, SDT 150, SDT 120. We've tested the kit with our entire product family with great results in all instances. Other ultrasonic detectors may be connected to the SDT AVM Ultranalysis kit. However the heterodyned signal output can vary with different manufactures. Therefore we can only guarantee and support connectivity with SDT devices.

Digital Wave File Recorder
USB-PC Link Cable
AVM Ultranalysis? Time and Spectrum Software
Industrial Waterproof Storage Case
Connection from Ultrasonic Detector to Digital Recorder
Includes Y-Splitter for Headphones
Link Exchange: Duong Ren - Kinh Hien Vi - Panme - Ban Map - Thuoc Cap-