SDT Extended Distance Plastic Horn

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SDT Extended Distance Plastic Horn
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  • Not all airborne ultrasound are easily detectable when distances separate the inspector from the source. Many facilities locate their distribution lines in the ceilings 50-100' from the plant floor making leak inspection impossible without scissor lifts, or ladder climbing. The Extended Distance Sensor combines design and function to overcome the problem of distance. Using a tapered angle design, the EDS module focuses airborne ultrasound from compressed air leaks and electrical faults. Detection of airborne ultrasound is possible up to 10 times the normal distances of ordinary airborne sensors.
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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Not all airborne ultrasound are easily detectable when distances separate the inspector from the source. A good example is compressed air leaks in overhead piping. Many facilities locate their distribution lines in the ceilings. These pipes can be 50-100' from the plant floor making leak inspection impossible without ladders, scissor lifts, or ladder climbing. The Extended Distance Sensor combines design and function to overcome the problem of distance. Using a tapered angle design calculated to focus only ultrasonic frequencies, the EDS module focuses airborne ultrasound from compressed air leaks and electrical faults. Detection of airborne ultrasound is now possible from up to 10 times the normal distances of ordinary airborne sensors. A 10-PSI air leak from a 1/16" orifice was detected with the EDS and SDT 170 at 50 yards!

The EDS sensor is available as an accessory to fit SDT Ultrasonic models including SDT 110, 120, 101, 150, & 170.

Overhead pipes up to 100', leaks in dry water sprinkler systems, electrical inspection in high and medium voltage substations, transformer inspections, and any other form of inspection where the operator cannot get close to the leak source.

Technical Data:
Frequency: Depending on the sensor
Sensitivity: Detects a .004" diameter leak @ 10 psi at a distance of 100'
Threshold (leak size): Depending on configuration of leak, 1 x 10-2 to 1 x 10-3 std. Cc/sec. Freon Gas
Length: 8"
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