CKL-B - Aluminium condensate separators

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CKL-B - Aluminium condensate separators
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
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  • Lượt xem: 7125
  • E cient removal of condensate from a compressed air system has
    several advantages: extended life of compressed air tools, improved
    lubrication of all pneumatic components, improved painting
    processes, reduced corrosion, and elimination of freezing.
    These advantages can all be achieved with the installation of Omega
    Air CKL-B Cyclone separators. This high-e ciency separators will
    remove condensed water droplets, with a very low pressure drop.
    They also provide added protection and improved performance for
    dryers and  lters.
    Typically, water separators are installed downstream of after coolers,
    air receivers, refrigerant dryers and strategic points in pipe work
    Standard equipment includes automatic condensate drain AOK 16B.
    - max. operating pressure: 16 bar (232 psi)
    - operating temperature range: 1,5 to 65 °C (35 to 149 °F)
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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- Construction of aluminium cyclone separators assures high e  ciency condensate separation with low pressure drop.
- Cartridge inside Cyclone separator assures reliable operation for the life of the separator, with no possibility of clogging and increased operating costs.
- Condensate Cyclone separator CKL-B satis es all needs of applications in a wide temperature range from 1,5 to 65 °C  (35 to 149 °F) and in a pressure range up to 16 bar (232 psi). 
- All alluminium separator bodies are coated with powder paint to eliminate corrosion.
- Threaded connections are BSP according to ISO7/1 or NPT to ANSI B2.1, if supplied in North America

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