Extech RH101 HygroThermometer Plus IR Thermometer

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Extech RH101 HygroThermometer Plus IR Thermometer
  • Mã SP: EXTECH RH101
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 4217
  • Humidity, Air Temperature Plus IR for Non-Contact Temperature Measurements Features:

    Combination Humidity meter plus InfraRed Thermometer features a super large backlit dual display
    Primary and Secondary displays
    Primary display is user selectable for IR or Humidity
    Secondary always displays ambient temperature
    InfraRed thermometer has built in laser pointer and has an 8:1 distance to target ratio
    MAX and Data Hold for all functions
    Remote humidity sensor with 39" (1m) coiled cable provides readings for both humidity and ambient temperature
    Switchable øC/øF temperature units
    Auto Power off to save battery life
    Low battery and overrange indication
    Complete with built-in stand, protective holster, Humidity/Temperature probe, 9V battery, and carrying case
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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  • Monitor Relative Humidity and Temperature in factories, clean rooms, offices, and greenhouses
  • Non-contact InfraRed surface temperature measurements in hard to reach areas such as heating and air conditioning ducts

Specifications (Range, Max Resolution, Basic Accuracy):

  • Humidity: 10% to 95%, 0.1%, ñ3.5%
  • InfraRed Temperature: -58 to 932øF (-50 to 500øC), 0.1ø, ñ2% or ñ4øF/2øC
  • Air Temperature: -4 to 140øF (-20 to 60øC), 0.1ø, ñ3øF/øC
  • Emissivity: 0.95
  • Field of View: 8:1
  • Dimensions: 5.9x2.95x1.57" (150x75x40mm)
  • Weight: 7oz (200g)
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