Extech DO610 ExStick DO/pH Conductivity Kit

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Extech DO610 ExStick DO/pH Conductivity Kit
  • Mã SP: EXTECH DO610
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 4697

  • User Friendly Kit Economically Measures 6 Parameters

    Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH and Temperature + Dissolved Oxygen measurements
    Supporting water, wastewater, groundwater, aquaculture and fisheries professionals
    Kit Includes: EC500 pH/Conductivity ExStik? II meter with combination high accuracy multi-ranging Conductivity sensor, DO600 Dissolved Oxygen ExStik? II meter with electrode, replacement membrane cap, electrolyte, and polishing paper

  • Tags: Bàn Map
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User Friendly Kit Economically Measures 6 Parameters

  • Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH and Temperature + Dissolved Oxygen measurements
  • Supporting water, wastewater, groundwater, aquaculture and fisheries professionals

Kit Includes:

  • EC500 pH/Conductivity ExStik? II meter with combination high accuracy multi-ranging Conductivity sensor for Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH and Temperature
  • DO600 Dissolved Oxygen ExStik? II meter with electrode, replacement membrane cap, electrolyte, and polishing paper
  • Sample pH buffers - Single use pouches for pH4, pH7, and pH10 and rinse solutions
  • Weighted base with 2 cups and caps, four 3V CR-2032 batteries and neckstrap with each meter, and a carrying case
Link Exchange: Duong Ren - Kinh Hien Vi - Panme - Ban Map - Thuoc Cap-