Life Science Microscopes Violet MC20

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Life Science Microscopes Violet MC20
  • Mã SP: CFAMC-MC20
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 5855
  • Modern, ergonomically designed metal base 270 x 250 mm

    Illumination Halogen 6V20W

    Observation tube binocular, 360° rotatable, 30° inclined, with Anti-Fungus treatment
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
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  • Thành tiền
Modern, ergonomically designed metal base 270 x 250 mm 

Illumination Halogen 6V20W

Observation tube binocular, 360° rotatable, 30° inclined, with Anti-Fungus treatment

Eyepieces Widefield WF 10x/18 mm

Separated coarse and fine focus. High quality varnish. Stage focus control (protection of sample!)

Quadruple nosepiece

Objectives ACHRO
4/0.10, WD 18,5mm, CC 0.17
10/0.25, WD 7.00mm, CC 0.17
40/0.65, spring loaded, WD 0,53mm, CC 0.17

Stage with stage clips

Abbé brightfield condenser n.A. 1.25 with iris diaphragm, variable in height

Delivery with: Blue filter, two spare bulbs, daylight mirror for outdoor use, dust cover

Available accessories
Aluminium Transport Case
Attachable mechanical stage
ACHRO 100/1.25, oil, spring loaded, WD 0.13mm, CC 0.17
Immersion oil

Link Exchange: Duong Ren - Kinh Hien Vi - Panme - Ban Map - Thuoc Cap-