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  • Mã SP: LAAEC-165
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
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  • Lượt xem: 7636
  • The Eclipse FlueFire has become an industry standard for supplemental firing in cogeneration and combined-cycle installations. FlueFire is an in-duct burner which can be located directly in the exhaust gases between the turbine and waste heat boiler. The burner is also suitable for fresh air operation or incineration applications.

    The FlueFire optimizes the system efficiency as it takes its oxygen requirement from the turbine exhaust gases. The burner can function with inlet temperatures up to 700°C (1300°F) and outlet temperatures up to 1200°C (2200°F). FlueFire is a proven performer in dozens of successful installations around the world.
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
  • Số lượng:
  • Thành tiền
Type:  Nozzle Mixing
Number of Sizes:  Modular
Capacity Range:   120,000 - 2,400,000 (Btu/hr/LF*)
1150 - 2300 (kW/m)
Turndown:  10:1
Max. Process Temperature:  2200°F, 1200°C
Fuels:  Natural Gas, Propane, Butane
Typical Applications: 

Heating turbine exhaust gasses

Spray Dryers

Agricultural Drying


Key Attributes: 

Robust, reliable performance. Compact, modular design.

* Subject to exhaust gas oxygen level.

Excellent flame stability and low emissions.
  • Clean combustion with low NOx emissions.
  • Flame swirl stabilizes the combustion just in front of the burner.
  • Creates an intimate mixing of the turbine exhaust gases with the fuel.
  • Exceptional flame stability.
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